A Chance for a Free Print

This landscape of luscious greens was painted at the Head of the Meadow beach in Truro. I fell in love with doing plein aire painting after taking a summer course in the hills of Tuscany. Although I primarily paint the figure, I love the immediacy of painting in the outdoors. I love the challenge of trying to capture the light. Plein aire painting challenges me to paint faster and make decisions regarding color and composition quickly. It allows me to experiment and paint more freely than when I am in front of a model or composing a narrative. Painting outdoors is a wonderful exercise. Nature does not standstill even on a beautiful sunny morning in Cape Cod.

In celebration of launching my initial web site, I will be giving away 10 eight-inch square prints randomly selected from my email list. Each print is signed and number and will be limited to only 10. Thank you so much for joining me on this journey.

